Spells of War

Smashwords end of year sale: 50% off my books

Starting today, December 15, and until New Year’s Day, Smashwords is running a sitewide end-of-year sale on participating books. This includes all three of my books on Smashwords, which are available at 50% off. While you’re there, look for other titles that might interest you. Here are the links for my books:

A new review of Spells of War

Monica Cellio has posted a review of Spells of War.

Spells of War tells an interesting story with characters I cared about. In both books, the author made me care about, and understand the inner struggles of, people who are on the “other side” — the inquisitor in the first book and Petros and his peers in the second. Spells of War shows the devastation that war causes on all involved.

As she notes, Monica was a beta reader and got a free copy in return for her useful advice. There was no quid pro quo beyond that.

Here’s the information on ordering Spells of War.

Spells of War — It’s here!

It’s the big day! Spells of War is now available for online purchase from Smashwords and Amazon!

To get things going, I’m offering a special price of $1.25 each on The Magic Battery and Spells of War when you buy them on Smashwords through April 15. Each novel stands by itself, but naturally I’d like you to read them both. Enter the following coupon code on Smashwords: MH42X. Expires April 15, 2022. (Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t let me offer discounts unless I give them exclusive rights to distribute my book.)

You can help spread the word about Spells of War! You can list and review it on Goodreads and LibraryThing. You can mention it in your favorite social media or your blog. Everything helps.

I’ll post updates on it on the Magic Battery page on Facebook. Sharing or Liking those updates is another way to help.

A reading from the novel is up on YouTube. You can watch it directly on YouTube or on the Spells of War page on this site.

Spells of War: Coming April 5!

Spells of War cover
On Tuesday, April 5, barring unexpected events, Spells of War will be available on Smashwords and Kindle! Since the events of The Magic Battery, Thomas Lorenz has enjoyed success and happiness in Heidelberg, but now the Turks have acquired his secret of creating magical devices and are using it to create weapons of war. While he is off in Vienna aiding his Emperor’s cause, Frieda makes an important discovery about magic. The future of Europe and magic are at stake.

A short-lived discount code will be available when the book comes out, so be sure to check back then. Meanwhile, be sure to bookmark https://garymcgath.com/SOW. Please tell your friends, so they can get the book too. That’s what the sharing buttons are for.