Files that Last

Smashwords end of year sale: 50% off my books

Starting today, December 15, and until New Year’s Day, Smashwords is running a sitewide end-of-year sale on participating books. This includes all three of my books on Smashwords, which are available at 50% off. While you’re there, look for other titles that might interest you. Here are the links for my books:

End-of-year sale on Smashwords!

I’ve joined the end-of-year sale on Smashwords. For the rest of 2020, you can get The Magic Battery and Files that Last for 50% off with the code SEY50. This code is provided right on the pages for the books, so you can just go over and buy the books or give the link to others. This sale is only for direct purchases from Smashwords.

This is a site-wide promotion on Smashwords, so you’ll find lots of other discounts if you head over.

If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to read about Thomas’s magical inventions or learn how to preserve your data, and you have some free time this week, it’s a great opportunity to pick up these books.

Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale

Read an Ebook Week I’m participating in Smashwords’ “Read an Ebook Week Sale,” from March 3 to March 9, 2019. During that time, Files that Last and Yesterday’s Songs Transformed will both be available for 50% off! These are very different books, but I’m dealing with change and preservation in both of them. This is your chance to get them at an especially good price.