
Saying goodbye to Medium

I’ve cancelled my Medium account. It’s become a hangout for the most rabid haters of capitalism, as well as often featuring articles hating men, white people, and occasionally human life as such. I don’t know whether it got that way by the design of the people running it or because of other factors. It doesn’t matter very much. Medium has become a sewer.

A number of libertarian accounts can be found on Medium, but they’ve mostly gone inactive. They figured it out before I did, and they gave up.

I should still get paid for my articles till my one-year term runs out later this year. There’s no longer any point in getting a Medium account, but if you have one and feel like supporting me by reading my articles, I won’t mind at all.

Note on Medium

My income from my articles on in November is down from October, even though I have more articles up.

This is what I was afraid would happen. The removal of “claps” as a determiner of income means that whatever gets opened the most gets the biggest share of the income. Writers with a small but enthusiastic following lose with the new scheme. The pages that get opened the most are the ones that appear on the homepage. The ones on politics, society, and culture that get listed there are mostly fanatically statist. (Edit: I should have added that some titles are clear cases of race-baiting. Edit 2: And outright racism at times. I just spotted an article, prominently featured on Medium’s home page, with the title “Lindsey Graham’s Hypocrisy is a Product of Whiteness.” I don’t know if the editors selected that article, or if it popped to the top because so many readers clapped it. Either thought makes me want to throw up.)

There’s a section on the homepage for writers I follow. It lists only four items at any given time, while the list of articles the editors are pushing is huge. Evidently Medium doesn’t want to encourage writers to build their own following.

I don’t know if I’ll bother posting any more articles there.

In more encouraging news, I’ve finished the first draft of The Magic Battery!

Medium’s new payment model

Just as I thought I was starting to figure Medium out, they’ve completely changed the payment model. This is what they’ll be doing, starting October 28:

1. We will calculate earnings based on the reading time of Medium members.

2. We will include reading time from non-members too, once they become members.

3. Your earnings will be updated daily, not weekly.

4. Your story stats will show new metrics to explain your earnings.

For more information, please read our blog post here. [no link]


I’m on

I’ve started posting articles on Please follow and clap if you’re so inclined.

Here’s the link for the RSS feed. It works in the Leaf reader, but the WordPress sidebar widget doesn’t recognize it, so I can’t add the feed on this site. You can try bookmarking it in your favorite feed reader; let me know if it works or doesn’t.

My latest article, as of this post, is “Remembering the Salem Witch Executions”.