Medium’s new payment model

Just as I thought I was starting to figure Medium out, they’ve completely changed the payment model. This is what they’ll be doing, starting October 28:

1. We will calculate earnings based on the reading time of Medium members.

2. We will include reading time from non-members too, once they become members.

3. Your earnings will be updated daily, not weekly.

4. Your story stats will show new metrics to explain your earnings.

For more information, please read our blog post here. [no link]

Here’s a link to Medium’s revised FAQ, with lots of additional details. TL;DR: Exactly how you get paid is a mystery.

Doubtless lots of discussion has already started, but I’m writing my own thoughts here before looking at anyone else’s.

The best thing about this change is that it rewards long articles. The old system of “claps” probably had a bias in favor of short ones, since people aren’t likely to clap for an article unless they read it all the way through.

What I don’t like is that the new system takes control away from readers. Currently, they can explicitly decide which authors get their financial support. Starting October 28, their support is divided among all the articles they read. Articles that appear on the homepage will be richly rewarded. Those that don’t will get less, even if they have a small group of enthusiastic supporters.

The only way readers will be able to support writers selectively is to read selectively. This may discourage them from reading other pieces, especially by authors they’d rather not support. The system will encourage echo-chamber behavior.

I won’t say the new system is horrible, but I’m worried about the effects it will have. Will it help or hurt me personally? I don’t know.