The Sanity Project

What about sensitivity readers? 2

I’ve never had occasion to deal with a sensitivity reader. As I worked on The Magic Battery, I asked for input from Jewish friends on my treatment of Jewish characters, but my concern was whether I’d gotten it right, not whether I was being “sensitive.” They were helpful, but I couldn’t find a single person who lived in the 16th century to give a Reformation period perspective.

A recent Reason article, “Sensitivity Readers Are the New Gatekeepers” (or “Rise of the Sensitivity Reader”) takes a very skeptical view of sensitivity readers. I don’t know if things in the publishing industry are actually as bad as the article represents, but the concept sounds dubious to me. I don’t write to be “sensitive.” I write to address “What if” questions, to tell a good story, and to give the reader something to think about. That sometimes means hurting people’s feelings. If you want something completely safe and bland, read Winnie the Pooh. (Provided you aren’t acrophobic or melissophobic.)

Russian SF writer placed on wanted list for speaking the truth

Reuters reports that the Russian government has placed Dmitry Glukhovsky, a Russian science fiction writer, on a “wanted” list. His “crime” was contradicting Russian pravda by saying publicly that Russia is engaging in a war against Ukraine. The Reuters article, dated June 7, doesn’t explain why the Russian government wasn’t immediately able to arrest him. I can’t find any information on his status since then.

Here’s an interview with him, dated 03.06.22. I don’t know if that’s March 6 or June 3.

Update: Metro UK says, in an article dated June 9: “Although his exact whereabouts is unknown, Glukhovsky is not currently believed to be in Russia, but if he is caught and arrested then he faces a substantial prison sentence.”

Update on boycotting the Chengdu Worldcon

The World Science Fiction Convention scheduled for 2023 in Chengdu hasn’t made a lot of news lately. This is normal for a con in its early stages of preparation. I’d really hoped that the calls for boycotting it would grow, though, especially since they would have a bearing on the NASFiC to be held the same year. Winnipeg and Orlando have filed bids. Florida also falls below some people’s threshold of acceptability because of things its government has done, but that’s a discussion for another time. If Florida is unacceptable, China certainly has to be.

The Chinese government can bring trouble for anyone who criticizes it, even outside China. I’m obscure and hard to put pressure on, so I haven’t run into any problems, though that could change. My obscurity means I don’t have a lot of influence on many fans, though I turn up high in the search results if you look for something like “boycott Chengdu Worldcon.”

“Taking You Out to See the Stars” 1

(Off-topic for this blog, but I want people to know about this album.)

There are filk albums that excite me with their stories, impress me with their musicianship and technical skill, or make me laugh at their humor. Not many, though, grab me from the inside the way Gray Rinehart’s “Taking You Out to See the Stars.” The songs touch on hope for the future, love, painful loss, facing adversity, mortality, and more. It’s billed as a “pre-order,” but don’t be fooled; it’s got thirteen fully-realized songs.

Charlottesville can’t apply its business tax to writers

The Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the city of Charlottesville, VA can’t collect its business license tax from freelance writers. Writer Corban Anderson, represented by the Institute for Justice, will get a refund of the taxes he had been assessed.

The city does not list freelance writing as having to pay the tax, but the city held that a “catchall provision” in the law let it tax writers.

Anatomy of a fake news story

On May 28, Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was involved in a collision and then charged with DUI. This would be mostly a matter of local interest. Since then, a story has spread on the Internet that the charges against him were dropped. This suggests string-pulling and would be an important story if it were true. In fact, no reliable news outlet has confirmed it. Snopes calls it an unfounded rumor. Anything could happen in the future, but as of my writing this, there’s no evidence that the story is true.

It’s hard to tell where made-up stories originate. A tweet by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert asserted the charges were dropped. Donald Trump, Jr. lied on Twitter. Another source was some “news” sites that employ bottom-of-the-barrel freelancers and instruct them to write articles with a partisan spin. They’re called “pink slime” sites. Why pink, I don’t know. They may have names that sound newsy and uncontroversial. Some sites of this kind don’t use human writers at all, just artificial intelligence.