Yearly Archives: 2024

Dubious choices in SFWA scholarships

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) is offering “scholarships” for “members of underserved communities.” I put the word “scholarships” in quotes because they’re really free memberships in the 2024 Nebula conference, not educational grants. (The deadline to apply has gone by, sorry.) This sounds admirable, but some of their ideas of what constitutes a “community” make the scheme very disturbing. The categories are:

  • “Black and/or Indigenous creators in the United States and abroad.”
  • “Asian creators, Asian American creators, and creators from the Pacific Islands.”
  • “creators with backgrounds in Spanish-speaking and/or Latin American cultures.”
  • “creators with disabilities.”
  • “creators whose financial situations may otherwise prevent them from participating.”
  • “creators who live outside the United States.”
  • “creators who identify as LGBTQIA+.”


Peer Gynt at Symphony Hall

What’s a concert review doing in this blog on writing? Well, it’s increasingly become a blog on whatever I think people will enjoy reading about, so why not? I’ve blogged about accompanying silent movies, and incidental music for a play isn’t that far removed.

Symphony Hall in Boston has been the site of a lot of great experiences for me. Some are faded in my memory. It’s likely that there’s one which, if you could remind me of it, would make me say, “Of course! Nothing could top that!” Right now, though, I can’t name one that was more breathtaking than last night’s presentation of Peer Gynt.

The Lost World and Gertie the Dinosaur

My next silent movie night will be on Wednesday, March 13, at 8:00 PM Eastern US time. Once again, I’ll provide live, improvised keyboard accompaniment. Live accompaniment is what makes silent movies special to me. You can react in real time in chat and even (gently!) criticize my playing.

The main feature will be the 1925 The Lost World. It’s based on the Conan Doyle novel of the same title, and he makes a brief appearance at the start, effectively putting his stamp of approval on the movie. The main character, Professor Challenger, is as smart as Sherlock Holmes but his opposite in temperament. Holmes is always calm and analytical, but Challenger has an explosive temper, especially when anyone doubts his claims. His present claim is hard to believe; he says he’s discovered a land in the upper Amazon basin with living dinosaurs. He organizes an expedition to go back there with two aims: to bring back proof and to find the missing member of the earlier party.

Gallup doesn’t understand set theory

According to a Gallup Poll article, “Less than a third of Americans say they would be willing to vote for someone nominated by their party who is over the age of 80 or has been charged with a felony or convicted of a felony by a jury.” If that’s true and Trump and Biden are the major-party nominees in 2024, then two-thirds of Americans will sit out the election for that reason alone.

Is that what the poll actually shows? The article goes on to say, “The poll addressed the issues of felonies and candidate age with separate questions each asked of about half of the poll’s respondents.” That makes it impossible to draw the conclusion stated at the top of the article. It’s an issue of set overlap.

Buster Keaton’s Steamboat Bill, Jr. 4

This post is my contribution to the Buster Keaton Blogathon on Silent-ology. I like the idea of collaborative blogging, and I’m glad to have a chance to participate. (Updated to link to the new Blogathon post.)

(This post will hopefully attract a lot of silent film fans who aren’t among my regular readers, so I’d like to mention that I regularly present silent films on Twitch with my own real-time accompaniment. The next one will be on March 13 at 8 PM Eastern US time. The movie will be the 1925 The Lost World, preceded by Winsor McCay’s animated Gertie the Dinosaur. I hope you’ll be able to drop in!)

Poster for Buster Keaton and Ernest Torrence in Steamboat Bill, Jr.The Keaton movie I know best is Steamboat Bill, Jr., having accompanied it at the Plaistow, NH library on July 28, 2023. The previous silent I’d accompanied there was Chaplin’s City Lights, and the differences between Chaplin’s and Keaton’s approaches stood out. City Lights tells a story, but it feels like a series of skits put together to comprise a story. The club scene, the robbery scene, and the boxing scene almost stand on their own. Chaplin’s Tramp is pretty much the same from beginning to end. Steamboat Bill, Jr. is more of a continuous story, and Keaton’s character grows a lot during its course. At first he feels out of place, having come from a Boston-area college to a run-down steamboat in the South. By the end, he’s become highly competent and saves four lives. The gags are as important as in a Chaplin film, but they’re more integrated into the plot.

“Too many notes, Mozart”

Upon hearing Mozart’s Singspiel The Abduction from the Seraglio, Emperor Joseph II is alleged to have said, “Too many notes.” The claim increased in popularity when Peter Schaffer put those words in his mouth in the travesty Amadeus. Quotations are tricky things, though. If I gratuitously claim someone said something, how do you know they didn’t? It’s the old issue of proving a negative.

The quotation, or something like it, has a source that long predates Schaffer. It’s the 1798 biography of Mozart by Franz Xaver Niemetschek. The full title is Leben des K.K. Kapellmeisters Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart nach Originalquellen beschrieben (life of the music director Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart, written based on original sources). The attribution given there is:

Hostility as a tool of persuasion 1

A lot of people act as if mockery and denunciation are effective ways to convince others that they’re wrong. Not many of them, though, come out and endorse this principle. A Liberal Currents article called “Deradicalizing the Center” offers qualified support for it, though, and it’s not just a rant. It contains a lot of good thinking. I’d like to take a look at it to see what the author claims and argues.

Grammarly is discontinuing desktop apps

It’s been a bad February for desktop applications. Two that I use a lot are going away. Twilio Authy, used for two-factor authentication, will not be supported on the desktop after March 19, and it may or may not work at all after that. People who don’t plan for it may find themselves temporarily locked out of accounts that use it for 2FA. On Macs with the Apple processor, the iOS version of the application apparently works, though Twilio hasn’t certified it for the Macintosh. I got it running on my Mac without problems, and I’ve used it for a few days. It works, though its user interface is distinctively inferior on a computer with a keyboard and mouse.

Be careful, though. There are fake apps taking advantage of the confusion; as I’m writing this, there’s a app called “Authhy” (with two h’s) on the App store, which I’m effectively certain is a Trojan horse. I can’t find any way to report it to Apple.

More relevant to readers of this blog, Grammarly is discontinuing its desktop application. According to the notice when I run my app, it will stop working on March 18. It suggests that users go to its website to check their writing.

Samantha Mills repudiates 2023 Hugo

Samantha Mills, winner of the 2023 Hugo Award for “best short story,” has repudiated her award in the light of the censorship scandal. She wrote:

Looking at the information we currently have, it’s hard for me to conclude anything other than: I shouldn’t have been on that ballot. …
I spent this morning logging into my various accounts and taking “Hugo” out of my bio. There are almost certainly going to be places it was printed that I miss, so my apologies for that. Here’s the most embarrassing one: my novel already went to the printer and it has “Hugo winner” on the cover. Fucking mortifying!

Update, Feb. 23, 2024: Adrian Tchaikovsky has repudiated his Hugo. “I cannot consider myself a Hugo winner and will not be citing the 2023 award result in my biographical details, or on this site.”