YouTube copyright nonsense

The showing of The Golem went pretty well. I got a notification of a copyright claim, though. It’s from “A Kidnapping Scandal: The Florence Cassez Affair,” which is a Netflix series I’d never heard of. It can’t make a legitimate copyright claim on any part of The Golem, obviously. Maybe I played four or five notes in sequence that were similar to the theme music from the show? Or maybe the show includes some footage of the old movie, and YouTube’s robots decided that the makers of that series now hold copyright to the old movie. Who knows? Fortunately it’s “not a copyright strike,” since the copyright holder allows usage of the alleged copyrighted content. It could affect my monetizing the show, but I don’t expect to try. I get the impression that challenging a spurious copyright claim on YouTube can get you into worse trouble than ignoring it, so I’ll leave it alone.