Tomorrow’s Songs Today: the second edition

It’s time! In 2015, with the help of many crowdfunding supporters and contributors of information, I wrote and published Tomorrow’s Songs Today, a history of filk music from its beginnings to that year. Since then, more has happened than we could have expected. COVID shut down conventions and in-person filksings. Technology filled the gap with online filk gatherings, which not only let us get together safely but allowed connections over vast distances. Today, as we’re finding our way back to normal, that technology has a permanent place. Cover of Tomorrow's Songs Today, created by Matt Leger

More songs have been written. More people have joined the filk community, and some who were prominent in it are no longer with us. Some of our favorite hotels have succumbed to the loss of business.

Errors and omissions in the first book have turned up. I’ve noted them on the website where I’ve learned about them, but someone just reading the book would miss them.

So it’s time for a thorough revision and update, and I’ll need your help for that. I’ll go over all the existing material, making it as accurate as possible, update the list of cons, and add a chapter or two on the most recent events.

My plan is to get the revised edition posted by the end of September 2023. That gives enough time to do a good job and have the final copy proofread. Like the current edition, the revised Tomorrow’s Songs Today will be available as a free download. There may be a print edition for purchase, with some copies going to fan auctions.

Please submit any thoughts on what should go into the revision using the form below.

And please share links to this page anywhere that’s appropriate for letting filkers know about this project! The more constructive input I get, the better.

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