Silent movie schedule

This page will hold my upcoming silent movie plans. In all cases I provide live, improvised accompaniment on a Roland keyboard.
Still images from Safety Last, Metropolis, and Voyaga dans la Lune, with the words "Show starting soon" above them

  • Rescheduled: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 8:00 PM: One Week on YouTube. A 1920 “two-reeler” Buster Keaton comedy, a bit less than half an hour. A newly married couple receives a plot of land and a do-it-yourself house building kit as a wedding present. The results show why a competent contractor is worth the money. This was Keaton’s first independently released movie.
  • Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 8:00 PM: The Golem on YouTube. (Link will be posted after my June show.) A 1920 film produced by Paul Wegener, who plays the title role. A retelling of the legend of Rabbi Löw of Prague, who was said to have brought a clay man to life to protect the Jews of his city. My showings of this film are dedicated to all who have suffered religious persecution.
  • Friday, July 26, 2024, 1:00 PM: The Golem in person at the Plaistow, NH Library. Free admission. Advance registration isn’t strictly required but ensures you can get a seat and helps the staff to plan.

My livestreaming software is OBS Studio, free open source software.