We writers learn from one another, as well as getting encouragement. Here are some blogs that I can recommend for writers in general and especially for bloggers.
I’ve included the RSS link for each blog. RSS feeds are a great and underutilized way to keep track of interesting content. In case you aren’t familiar with them, they’re a way to subscribe to site updates without filling up your mailbox. You use an RSS aggregator website or application (I use Leaf on the Mac) and check it whenever you like. It will list the latest entries for each site that you’ve subscribed to. To subscribe, you copy the feed link and follow your aggregator’s instructions to add it. If you can’t find the feed link, aggregators can often find it for you if you give them the site URL.
While we’re on the subject, I recommend making your RSS feed easily visible on your own blog. It’s a no-effort way to pick up more readers. Two of the sites listed here didn’t show the feed link anywhere I could see. I had to go digging into the HTML to find it. Don’t they want readers?
Here are my top 5 blogs for today:
Inkygirl, by my friend Debbie Ridpath Ohi. She’s a writer and illustrator of children’s literature, but her tips on motivation and attitude are worth reading by any writer. I have to give her blogging a lot of credit for my going into writing as a second career. (RSS feed)
Writer’s Market. Valuable information about the business of writing. (RSS feed)
The Write Life. Lots of tips for writers, including mentions of specific markets. (RSS feed)
Grammar Girl. Advice on grammar and usage, mostly sensible, occasionally hairsplitting. (RSS feed)
Make a Living Writing. This blog focuses on freelance writing of articles and how to get a decent income from them. (RSS feed)
Great list! Thanks!