Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

Spohr’s Quintet, Opus 52

Louis Spohr is among my favorite obscure composers, and I wish I could make his music better known. One way to do this might be to write analyses of some of his works. It’s possible that someday a musical organization will look for information on a Spohr piece and come across my posts. In case it happens, I’ll make this article available under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. That says you can use it however you want — for instance, in program notes — provided you give me credit by name and aren’t making money off it. (If you are making money, that’s fine, but I expect a cut. Talk to me. Handouts in a concert run by a non-profit organization are non-commercial for this purpose, even if admission is charged.)

I’m no musicologist, just a music lover. Take this article accordingly.