Monthly Archives: November 2018

Writers’ echo chambers 1

Did you know that a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds? It must be true, it’s all over the Internet! The oldest mention I can find of that factoid dates from 2009. At the time, the supposed source was the FBI, without any citation. Lately it’s usually Gartner, still with no citation.

Phantom statistics

Recently a customer asked me to include that “statistic” in an article. Fortunately, it wasn’t a requirement, just a suggestion. The customer also wanted all links to be no more than a year old, so citing a nine-year-old figure didn’t really seem like what they wanted. Even if the figure was once accurate, the theft rate is sure to have changed over the years.

Holiday e-book shopping: Files that Last and Yesterday’s Songs Transformed

Here are a couple of discounts for your holiday shopping.

Files that Last: Digital Preservation for Everygeek is available at 60% off with the coupon code WZ63B. It’s aimed at any computer-literate readers who want to keep their data usable for many years.

You can get Yesterday’s Songs Transformed: A Historical Tour of Song Rewriting at 30% off with the coupon code LS92Y.

Files that Last cover

Yesterday's Songs Transformed cover

Please share this information with your friends. My book sales help to support this blog. The coupons expire December 26, 2018.

Update: I should have mentioned how you can give Smashwords books as gifts. Recipients do have to register with Smashwords to accept the gift, and there’s not much I can do about that. But if you want to buy a copy (very important!) and give the recipient the PDF, I won’t object to that. Just don’t share a single purchase, please. We writers gotta eat.

Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care 1

Charles Silver and David A. Hyman, Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care, Cato Institute, 2018.

Book cover for Overcharged It would be hard to believe all the outrages described in Overcharged if public information and personal experience didn’t back them up so much. We all know that medical costs are skyrocketing. This book goes into many of the details and provides a comprehensive explanation.

A number of my experiences make more sense in the light of what I’ve read there. One time a full surgical team, including an anesthesiologist, showed up for a procedure to remove a routine sebaceous cyst from my scalp. I had already said I didn’t want general anesthesia, and I continued to refuse it. I’m sure he got paid anyway. Fortunately, I had very good insurance at the time.

Another time I underwent a biopsy for prostate cancer because of elevated PSA. It turned out negative. I had recently had a bladder infection, which is a common cause of high PSA, but the doctor didn’t care that it was most likely a false positive. I won’t go into how disgusting the prep, the procedure, and the aftereffects are. Once I sued a doctor for overcharging, only to learn that in New Hampshire, you can’t sue a doctor in small claims court without an expert witness. (At least that was what he told the judge, and she didn’t contradict him.) In terms of practical economics, that means you can’t sue a doctor in small claims court. We all know that the very idea of getting a price or even an estimate in advance for a medical procedure is a joke, even though it’s expected for any other big-ticket expenditure.